Sport Integrity  Referral Form

Raise a concern

Sport Integrity is a confidential reporting line and independent investigation service, here to support you.

If you are an athlete or staff member within an Olympic or Paralympic performance programme you can use this service to report allegations of unacceptable behaviour, which includes; bullying, harassment, discrimination, verbal or physical abuse and sexual misconduct.

To allow us to review your concern please provide as much information as possible on the form below. All of the information you include will be treated in confidence. If, however, we consider that the information you have provided us needs to be referred to the relevant statutory authorities because it raises issues of a criminal nature, or immediate safeguarding concerns, we may do so.  We will usually ask for your consent to do this - however, if we believe that a child or adult may currently be at risk of significant harm, we may inform the relevant statutory authorities even if you do not consent.   

Alternatively, you can call the 24/7 reporting line to speak to someone directly and in confidence on 0800 085 8062