Sexual harassment on the railways: zero tolerance

Tell us what you know.

Powered by the independent charity Crimestoppers, this form allows you to report examples of sexual harassment that you have witnessed whilst using Britain's rail network.

Here, you can report what you've witnessed and remain 100% anonymous - we will never know any of your details. The only person who will ever know you filled in this form is you. Guaranteed.

If you have been the target of any form of sexual harassment on the railway, please get in touch with British Transport Police (BTP) so they can support you. You can do this by texting 61016, reporting online at, or by calling 0800 40 50 40. In an emergency, dial 999. BTP is committed to ensuring that anyone who experiences sexual harassment receives a consistent and supportive service. Be assured they will always take you seriously.

To find out more about these types of crimes, please visit

If you would prefer to speak to one of our trained call agents, please call the 24/7 hotline hosted by Crimestoppers on
0800 783 0137
. 100% anonymously. Always. 

Please give as much information as you can, as this will help law enforcement authorities to investigate the matter effectively.


Keep in Contact

At the bottom of this form you can opt-in to enable us to keep in contact with you, whilst you remain completely anonymous. This enables us to ask further questions about the information you have provided. Your information could be vital, and may make a real difference.

Logging back in is easy, just use the Keep in Contact Login button at the top of this page, or any page on the Crimestoppers website.