Scottish Food Crime Hotline

The Scottish Food Crime Hotline (0800 028 7926) has been set up by Food Standards Scotland in partnership with Crimestoppers to enable both consumers and industry personnel to report any criminal or suspicious practice relating to the production or supply of food or drink in Scotland.

The Hotline allows those with information on criminal or suspicious activity to anonymously report their concerns in the knowledge that this information will be dealt with.

Being alert to food crime means we can help protect ourselves, our families and the food and drink industry in Scotland. Contact us anonymously on 0800 028 7926 or use the form below if you have any information or suspicions about any potential food-related crime. Find out more about the different types of food crime here


Keep in Contact

At the bottom of this form you can opt-in to enable us to keep in contact with you, whilst you remain completely anonymous. This enables us to ask further questions about the information you have provided. Your information could be vital, and may make a real difference.

Logging back in is easy, just use the Keep in Contact Login button at the top of this page, or any page on the Crimestoppers website.