Journalists’ Whistleblowing Service

The Journalists’ Whistleblowing Service is provided for journalists who are working (either on a freelance or employed basis) for IPSO member publishers. Journalists can use the service to raise concerns that they have been asked to act contrary to the Editors’ Code.

You can raise a concern either by calling the service on
0800 032 0243
or by completing this form.

IPSO will handle any personal information you provide on this form in accordance with its Fair Processing Notice, which can be found here:

*You cannot use this form to make a complaint about an article in a publication or online. If you want to do this, you must call IPSO on 0300 123 2220 or use the complaints form here:

Keep in Contact

Having submitted this form, you can opt-in to enable us to keep in contact with you, whilst you remain completely anonymous. This enables us to ask further questions about the information you have provided. Your information could be vital, and may make a real difference.

Logging back in is easy, just use the Keep in Contact Login button at the top of this page, or any page on the Crimestoppers website.